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Beginner Designer

Collidables are the base entity components for physics objects. There are three main types:

  • Statics: Objects that don't move (terrain, walls, floors, large rocks)
  • Bodies: Moving objects, affected by gravity and collisions (cans, balls, boxes) or Kinematics (moving platforms, doors)
  • Characters: Colliders for basic characters (player character, animals, NPCs)

Static and rigidbody colliders

You can also:


Collidables interact according to the table below.

Characters Bodies Statics
Characters Collides Collides and bounces Collides
Bodies Collides and bounces Collides and bounces Collides and bounces
Statics Collides Collides and bounces Pass through

Characters do not have any inertia, and so cannot bounce off of bodies or statics when colliding with them.

Three other factor control whether two collidables would collide with each other, their Collision Layer, Collision Group and their Contact Event Handler

Collision Layers

The collision layer controls whether that object would collide with object on other layers.

This relationship is controlled through the Simulation's Collision Matrix.

Collision Group

This property is used to filter collisions inside a group of object, when two or more objects must share the same Collision Layer, but should not collide between each other.

It allows objects sharing the same CollisionGroup.Id to pass through each other when the absolute difference between their IndexA, IndexB, and IndexC is less than two.

Its utility is best shown through concrete examples.

  • You have multiple characters A, B, C, D all set to the same CollisionLayer, they are split in two teams A, B and C, D. Members of the same team must not collide between each other, you can set A, B's Id to 1 and C, D's Id to 2.

  • You have a chain of three colliders attached to each other A, B, C, you don't want A and C to collide with B, but A and C should collide together. Set A, B and C's Ids to 1 to start filtering, leave A's IndexA at 0, B's to 1 and C to 2. A and C will collide since the difference between their IndexA is equal to two, but neither of them will collide with B since they are both only one away from B's IndexA value.

Contact Event Handler

The contact event handler is a class that receives collision data whenever the object it is associated with collides with the world.

It is most often used to transform physics object into 'trigger boxes', areas that run events whenever objects, like the player character, passes through them. See Triggers.

If the contact event handler you bind to an object is set to NoContactResponse, the object will never prevent anything from passing through it, it will only collect collision events.

See also