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Physics simulation

Intermediate Programmer

Stride's physics are controlled by the Simulation class. You can change how Stride initializes the simulation by modifying flags in PhysicsSettings, accessed in the GameSettings asset properties.


Your scene must have at least one Collider in order for Stride to initialize the Simulation instance.

Physics Settings

  • CollisionsOnly initializes the Simulation with collision detection turned on, but no other physics. Objects won't react to physical forces.

  • ContinuousCollisionDetection initializes the Simulation with continuous collision detection (CCD). CCD prevents fast-moving entities (such as bullets) erroneously passing through other entities.


The SoftBodySupport, MultiThreaded, and UseHardwareWhenPossible flags are currently disabled.

At runtime, you can change some Simulation parameters:

  • Gravity — the global gravity, in world units per second squared
  • FixedTimeStep — the length of a simulation timestep, in seconds
  • MaxSubSteps — the maximum number of fixed timesteps the engine takes per update

See also