Namespace Stride.Rendering.Materials
- MaterialAttributes
Common material attributes.
- MaterialBlendLayer
A material blend layer
- MaterialBlendLayers
A composition material to blend different materials in a stack based manner.
- MaterialCelShadingLightDefault
Default Cel Shading ramp function applied
- MaterialCelShadingLightRamp
Default Cel Shading ramp function applied
- MaterialDescriptor
A descriptor of a Material.
- MaterialDiffuseCelShadingModelFeature
The diffuse Cel Shading for the diffuse material model attribute.
- MaterialDiffuseHairModelFeature
The diffuse subsurface scattering for the diffuse material model attribute.
- MaterialDiffuseLambertModelFeature
The diffuse Lambertian for the diffuse material model attribute.
- MaterialDiffuseMapFeature
A Diffuse map for the diffuse material feature.
- MaterialDisplacementMapFeature
The displacement map for a surface material feature.
- MaterialFeature
A material feature
- MaterialGeneratorContext
Main entry point class for generating shaders from a MaterialDescriptor
- MaterialGlossinessMapFeature
A smoothness map for the micro-surface material feature.
- MaterialHairDirectionFunctionBitangent
Uses the tangent vector as the hair direction.
- MaterialHairDirectionFunctionTangent
Uses the tangent vector as the hair direction.
- MaterialHairLightAttenuationFunctionDirectional
Applies light attenuation with configurable hardness.
- MaterialHairLightAttenuationFunctionNone
Applies no light attenuation.
- MaterialHairShadowingFunctionScattering
Trades traditional shadow mapping for thickness attenuated shadowing to fake scattering.
- MaterialHairShadowingFunctionShadowing
Shadows the hair using traditional shadow mapping. The hair will be treated as an opaque surface.
- MaterialMetalnessMapFeature
A Metalness map for the specular material feature.
- MaterialNormalMapFeature
The normal map for a surface material feature.
- MaterialOcclusionMapFeature
An occlusion map for the occlusion material feature.
- MaterialOverrides
Material overrides used in a MaterialBlendLayer
- MaterialRenderFeature
Handles material by permuting shaders and uploading material data.
- MaterialSpecularCelShadingModelFeature
The Cel Shading specular shading model.
- MaterialSpecularHairModelFeature
The microfacet specular shading model.
- MaterialSpecularMapFeature
A Specular map for the specular material feature.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetEnvironmentGGXLUT
Environment function for Schlick fresnel, Smith-Schlick GGX visibility and GGX normal distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetEnvironmentGGXPolynomial
Environment function for Schlick fresnel, Smith-Schlick GGX visibility and GGX normal distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetEnvironmentThinGlass
Environment function for Schlick fresnel, Smith-Schlick GGX visibility and GGX normal distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetFresnelNone
No Fresnel applied.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetFresnelSchlick
Fresnel using Schlick approximation.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetFresnelThinGlass
Fresnel for glass materials.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetModelFeature
The microfacet specular shading model.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetNormalDistributionBeckmann
The Beckmann Normal Distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetNormalDistributionBlinnPhong
The Blinn-Phong Normal Distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetNormalDistributionGGX
The GGX Normal Distribution.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilityCookTorrance
Cook-Torrance Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilityImplicit
Implicit Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilityKelemen
Kelemen Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilityNeumann
Neumann Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilitySmithBeckmann
Smith-Beckmann Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilitySmithGGXCorrelated
Smith-GGX Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilitySmithSchlickBeckmann
Schlick-Beckmann Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilitySmithSchlickGGX
Schlick-GGX Geometric Shadowing.
- MaterialStreamDescriptor
A Material Stream.
- MaterialSubsurfaceScatteringScatteringKernelSkin
Calculates the scattering profile for skin, which is applied during the forward pass using the subsurface scattering shading model. It also calculates a scattering kernel based on the "Falloff" and "Strength" parameters.
- MaterialSubsurfaceScatteringScatteringProfileCustom
Calculates a custom scattering profile, which is applied during the forward pass using the subsurface scattering shading model.
ATTENTION: This class is subject to change because it does not yet give you full control over generating scattering kernels and profiles.
- MaterialSubsurfaceScatteringScatteringProfileSkin
Calculates the scattering profile for skin, which is applied during the forward pass using the subsurface scattering shading model. It also calculates a scattering kernel based on the "Falloff" and "Strength" parameters.
- MaterialTessellationBaseFeature
The displacement map for a surface material feature.
- MaterialTessellationFlatFeature
Material for flat (dicing) tessellation.
- MaterialTessellationPNFeature
Material for Point-Normal tessellation.
- MaterialTransparencyAdditiveFeature
A transparent additive material.
- MaterialTransparencyBlendFeature
A transparent blend material.
- MaterialTransparencyCutoffFeature
A transparent cutoff material.
- ShaderGeneratorContext
Base class for generating shader class source with associated parameters.
- ShadingModelShaderBuilder
Helper class to build the ShaderSource for the shading model of a IMaterialShadingModelFeature.
- SubsurfaceScatteringKernelGenerator
This class generates transmittance profiles and screen space scattering kernels for Separable Subsurface Scattering.
- SubsurfaceScatteringRenderFeature
Custom render feature, that prepares constants needed by SubsurfaceScatteringBlurEffect.
- IComputeColor
Base interface for vector/color based compute color nodes.
- IComputeNode
Base interface for all IComputeNode
- IComputeScalar
Base interface for scalar compute color nodes.
- IEnergyConservativeDiffuseModelFeature
Base interface for specular models supporting energy conservation.
- IMaterialAttributes
Base interface for material attributes
- IMaterialCelShadingLightFunction
Common interface for the Cel Light part of a cel shading model.
- IMaterialDescriptor
Common interface for the description of a material.
- IMaterialDiffuseFeature
Base interface for a diffuse material feature.
- IMaterialDiffuseModelFeature
Base interface for the diffuse model material feature.
- IMaterialDisplacementFeature
Base interface for a displacement material feature.
- IMaterialEmissiveFeature
Base interface for the emissive model material feature.
- IMaterialFeature
Base interface for a material feature.
- IMaterialHairDirectionFunction
Common interface for calculating the hair direction vector for the hair shading model.
- IMaterialHairDiscardFunction
Common interface for discarding pixels for the hair shading model.
- IMaterialHairLightAttenuationFunction
Common interface for calculating the light attenuation for the hair shading model.
- IMaterialHairShadowingFunction
Common interface for calculating the shadowing (light occlusion) for the hair shading model.
- IMaterialLayers
An interface for defining layers of material.
- IMaterialMicroSurfaceFeature
Base interface for a micro-surface material feature.
- IMaterialOcclusionFeature
Base interface for the occlusion material feature.
- IMaterialShaderGenerator
Defines the interface to generate the shaders for a IMaterialFeature
- IMaterialShadingModelFeature
Base interface for a shading light dependent model material feature.
- IMaterialSpecularFeature
Base interface for a specular material feature.
- IMaterialSpecularMicrofacetEnvironmentFunction
Common interface for the environment (DFG) Function of a microfacet shading model.
- IMaterialSpecularMicrofacetFresnelFunction
Common interface for the Fresnel part of a microfacet shading model.
- IMaterialSpecularMicrofacetFunction
Common interface for a microfacet function.
- IMaterialSpecularMicrofacetNormalDistributionFunction
Common interface for the Normal Distribution Function of a microfacet shading model.
- IMaterialSpecularMicrofacetVisibilityFunction
Common interface for the Geometric Shadowing Function of a microfacet shading model.
- IMaterialSpecularModelFeature
Base interface for the specular model material feature.
- IMaterialStreamProvider
An interface to query streams used by materials.
- IMaterialSubsurfaceScatteringFeature
Base interface for the subsurface scattering model material feature.
- IMaterialSubsurfaceScatteringScatteringKernel
Common interface for calculating the scattering profile applied during the forward pass using the subsurface scattering shading model.
- IMaterialSubsurfaceScatteringScatteringProfile
Common interface for calculating the scattering profile applied during the forward pass using the subsurface scattering shading model.
- IMaterialSurfaceFeature
Base interface for the surface material feature (normals...etc.)
- IMaterialTessellationFeature
Base interface for a tessellation material feature.
- IMaterialTransparencyFeature
Base interface for the transparency material feature.
- ColorChannel
A RGBA channel selected when performing texture sampling.
- DisplacementMapStage
Enumerates the different shader stages in which a displacement map can be applied.
- MaterialShaderStage
Enumerates the different possible material shader stages.
- MaterialStreamType
Type of a stream used by MaterialBlendLayerContext
- TextureCoordinate
The texture coordinate.