Table of Contents

Scene renderers

Intermediate Designer

Scene renderers let you customize the collect and draw phases of the rendering. For more information about these stages, see Render features.

You select scene renderers in the entry points node properties.

Select renderer

For more information about selecting renderers, see the Graphics compositor page.


Currently, all renderers must have a camera, or be a child of a renderer that has a camera. This applies even to renderers that don't necessarily use cameras, such as the single stage renderer (eg to render a UI).


Clears a frame, with a solid color.

Clear properties


Property Description
Clear flags

What to clear in the render frame (Color only, Depth only, or Color and depth)

Color The color used to clear the color texture of the render frame. Only valid when Clear Flags is set to Color or Color and depth
Depth value The depth value used to clear the depth texture of the render frame
Stencil value The stencil value used to clear the stencil texture of the render frame

Camera renderer

Uses Child to render a view from a camera slot. The render camera renderer takes the input from a camera in the scene so it can be displayed somewhere.

Camera renderer properties


Property Description
Camera Specify a camera slot to render from
Child Specify a renderer for the camera (eg a forward renderer or a custom renderer)

Scene renderer collection

The scene renderer collection executes multiple renderers (eg camera renderer, render texture, etc) in sequence. This lets you set multiple renderers for an entry point. You can add as many renderers to the collection as you need.


Stride executes the renderers in list order.

To add a renderer to the collection, next to Children, click Green plus button (Add) and select the renderer you want to add.

Add to scene collection

Forward renderer

In a typical setup, the forward renderer renders almost everything in your scene. It renders, in order:

  1. opaque objects
  2. transparent objects
  3. post effects

The forward renderer is also where you set VR options. For more information, see Virtual reality.

You configure the forward renderer properties in the forward entry node.

Single stage renderer

Single stage renderer

Force aspect ratio scene renderer

Uses ForceAspectRatioSceneRenderer to force an aspect ratio and applies a letterbox if the ratio is different from the screen. Use this before the render camera.

Force aspect ratio

Property Description
Child Specify a renderer for the camera (eg a forward renderer or a custom renderer)
Fixed aspect ratio The aspect ratio to force the view to
Force aspect ratio Enable forced aspect ratio

Render texture

Renders to a render texture, which you can display in your scene (eg to display security camera footage on a screen). For more information, see Render textures.

Render texture properties

Property Description
Child Specify a renderer for the camera (eg a forward renderer or a custom renderer)
Render texture Specify a texture to render to

Render mask

Render mask

The render mask filters which groups are rendered. You can use it to only render particular models. For more information, see Render groups and render masks

See also