Table of Contents

Build details

This is a technical description what happens in our build and how it is organized. This covers mostly the build architecture of Stride itself.

  • sources/targets (Stride-specific) contains the MSBuild target files used to build Stride itself.

Since 3.1, we switched from our custom build system to the new csproj system with one nuget package per assembly.

We use TargetFrameworks to properly compile the different platforms using a single project (Android, iOS, etc...).

Also, we use RuntimeIdentifiers to select graphics platform. MSBuild.Sdk.Extras is used to properly build NuGet packages with multiple RuntimeIdentifiers (not supported out of the box).


  • Dependencies are per TargetFramework and can't be done per RuntimeIdentifier (tracked in NuGet#1660).

NuGet resolver

Since we want to package tools (i.e. GameStudio, ConnectionRouter, CompilerApp) with a package that contains only the executable with proper dependencies to other NuGet runtime packages, we use NuGet API to resolve assemblies at runtime.

The code responsible for this is located in Stride.NuGetResolver.

Later, we might want to take advantage of .NET Core dependency resolving to do that natively. Also, we might want to use actual project information/dependencies to resolve to different runtime assemblies and better support plugins.


Stride is versioned using SharedAssemblyInfo.cs. For example, assuming version

  • 4.1 is the Stride major and minor version, as they are grouped in the launcher. Versions inside this group shouldn't have breaking changes
  • 3 is the asset version. This can be bumped if asset files require some upgrade.
  • 135 is the git height (number of commits since 4.1.3 is set), computed automatically when building packages. Note: when building packages locally, this will typically be 1. This is the reason why the asset version needs to be bumped when asset changes to keep things ordered (otherwise the git height version 1 will always be lower than official version).
  • +gfa0f5cc4 means git commit fa0f5cc4

Assembly processor

Assembly processor is run by both Game and Stride targets.

It performs various transforms to the compiled assemblies:

  • Generate DataSerializer serialization code (and merge it back in assembly using IL-Repack)
  • Generate UpdateEngine code
  • Scan for types or attributes with [ScanAssembly] to quickly enumerate them without needing Assembly.GetTypes()
  • Optimize calls to Stride.Core.Utilities
  • Automatically call methods tagged with ModuleInitializer
  • Cache lambdas and various other code generation related to Dispatcher
  • A few other internal tasks

For performance reasons, it is run as a MSBuild Task (avoid reload/JIT-ing). If you wish to make it run the executable directly, set StrideAssemblyProcessorDev to true.


We want an easy mechanism to attach some files to copy alongside a referenced .dll or .exe, including content and native libraries.

As a result, <StrideContent> and <StrideNativeLib> item types were added.

When a project declare them, they will be saved alongside the assembly with extension .ssdeps, to instruct referencing projects what needs to be copied.

Also, for the specific case of <StrideNativeLib>, we automatically copy them in appropriate folders and link them if necessary.

Note: we don't apply them transitively yet (project output won't contains the .ssdeps file anymore so it is mostly useful to reference from executables/apps directly)


By adding a reference to Stride.Native.targets, it is easy to build some C/C++ files that will be compiled on all platforms and automatically added to the .ssdeps file.


It seems that using those optimization don't work well with shadow copying and probing privatePath. This forces us to copy the Direct3D11 specific assemblies to the top level Windows folder at startup of some tools. This is little bit unfortunate as it seems to disturb the MSBuild assembly searching (happens before $(AssemblySearchPaths)). As a result, inside Stride solution it is necessary to explicitly add <ProjectReference> to the graphics specific assemblies otherwise wrong ones might be picked up.

This will require further investigation to avoid this copying at all.

Asset Compiler

Both Games and Stride unit tests are running the asset compiler as part of the build process to create assets.