Namespace Stride.Rendering
- AssemblyEffectKeysAttribute
Assembly attribute used to mark assembly that has been preprocessed using the ParameterKeyProcessor. Assemblies without this attribute will have all of their type members tagged with EffectKeysAttribute scanned for ParameterKey.
- BackToFrontSortMode
Sort elements according to the pattern: [RenderFeature Sort Key 8 bits] [Distance back to front 32 bits] [RenderObject states 24 bits]
- CameraKeys
Keys used by transformations.
- DrawEffect
The base class in charge of applying and drawing an effect.
- EffectInstance
A dynamic effect instance, including its values and resources.
- EffectParameterUpdaterLayout
Defines a layout used by EffectParameterUpdater to update several ResourceGroup from a ParameterCollection.
- EffectSystem
The effect system.
- EffectSystemExtensions
Extensions for EffectSystem
- FrameResourceGroupLayout
Implementation of RenderSystemResourceGroupLayout specifically for PerFrame cbuffer of RenderSystem.
- FrontToBackSortMode
Sort elements according to the pattern: [RenderFeature Sort Key 8 bits] [Distance front to back 16 bits] [RenderObject states 32 bits]
- GraphicsRendererCollectionBase<T>
A collection of IGraphicsRenderer that is itself a IGraphicsRenderer handling automatically Initialize(RenderContext) and Unload().
- GraphicsRendererCollection<T>
A collection of IGraphicsRenderer that is itself a IGraphicsRenderer handling automatically Initialize(RenderContext) and Unload().
- LightingKeys
Keys used for lighting.
- LogicalGroupExtensions
Various extension methods usedful to use with LogicalGroup.
- Material
A compiled version of MaterialDescriptor.
- MaterialAssetKeys
Defines keys associated with mesh used for compiling assets.
- MaterialInstance
A Material instance.
- MaterialPass
Describes a single rendering pass of a Material.
- MaterialPassCollection
A collection of MaterialPass.
- MeshKeys
Defines keys associated with mesh used for compiling assets.
- MeshPipelineProcessor
Pipeline processor for RenderMesh with materials. It will set blend and depth-stencil state for transparent objects, and properly set culling according to material and negative scaling.
- MeshRenderFeature
Renders RenderMesh.
- MeshSkinningDefinition
Describes skinning for a Mesh, through a collection of MeshBoneDefinition.
- MeshVelocityRenderFeature
Output per-pixel motion vectors to a separate render target
- Model
Collection of Mesh, each one usually being a different LOD of the same Model. The effect system will select the appropriate LOD depending on distance, current pass, and other effect-specific requirements.
- ObjectParameterKey<T>
An object (or boxed value) effect key, usually for use by shaders (.sdsl).
- ParameterCollection
Manage several effect parameters (resources and data). A specific data and resource layout can be forced (usually by the consuming effect).
- ParameterCollectionExtensions
Extensions for ParameterCollection.
- ParameterKey
Key of an effect parameter.
- ParameterKeyValueMetadata<T>
Metadata used for ParameterKey
- ParameterKey<T>
Key of an gereric effect parameter.
- PermutationParameterKey<T>
An effect permutation key, usually for use by effects (.sdfx).
- ProfilingKeys
Various ProfilingKey used to measure performance across some part of the effect system.
- RenderContext
Rendering context.
- RenderDrawContext
Rendering context used during Draw(RenderDrawContext).
- RenderEffect
Instantiation of an Effect for a given EffectObjectNodeReference.
- RenderEffectReflection
Describes an effect as used by a RenderNode.
- RenderFeature
Entry-point for implementing rendering feature.
- RenderGroupMaskExtensions
Extensions for RenderGroupMask
- RenderInstancing
Contains information for model instancing. Used by the InstancingRenderFeature
- RenderMesh
Used by MeshRenderFeature to render a Mesh.
- RenderModel
Contains information related to the Model so that the RenderMesh can access it.
- RenderObject
Describes something that can be rendered by a RootRenderFeature.
- RenderObjectCollection
A collection of RenderObject.
- RenderStage
Represents a way to instantiate a given RenderObject for rendering, esp. concerning effect selection and permutation.
- RenderStageFilter
Defines a way to filter RenderObject.
- RenderStageSelector
Defines how a RenderObject gets assigned to specific RenderStage.
- RenderSystem
Facility to perform rendering: extract rendering data from scene, determine effects and GPU states, compute and prepare data (i.e. matrices, buffers, etc...) and finally draw it.
- RenderSystemResourceGroupLayout
Implementation of ResourceGroupLayout specifically for RenderSystem use (contains some extra information).
- RenderTargetKeys
Keys used for render target settings.
- RenderView
Defines a view used during rendering. This is usually a frustum and some camera parameters.
- RenderViewFeature
Describes a specific RenderView and RootRenderFeature combination.
- RendererBase
Base implementation of IGraphicsRenderer
- RendererCoreBase
Base implementation of IGraphicsRenderer
- ResourceResolver
Resolves a render target from one render pass to be used as an input resource to another render pass
- RootEffectRenderFeature
A root render feature that can manipulate effects.
- RootRenderFeature
A top-level renderer that work on a specific kind of RenderObject, such as Mesh, Particle, Sprite, etc...
- ShadowMeshPipelineProcessor
Pipline processor for RenderMesh that cast shadows, to properly disable culling and depth clip.
- Skeleton
Describes hiderarchical nodes in a flattened array.
- SkeletonUpdater
Performs hierarchical updates for a given Model.
- SkinningRenderFeature
Computes and uploads skinning info.
- SortMode
Defines a way to sort RenderObject.
- SortModeDistance
Helper class to sort objects based on distance.
- StateChangeSortMode
Sort elements according to the pattern: [RenderFeature Sort Key 8 bits] RenderObject states 32 bits] [Distance front to back 16 bits]
- SubRenderFeature
A render feature used inside another one (i.e. RenderFeatures.
- TransformRenderFeature
A render feature that computes and upload World, View and Projection matrices for each views and for each objects.
- TransformationKeys
Keys used by transformations.
- ValueParameterKey<T>
A blittable value effect key, usually for use by shaders (.sdsl).
- ViewResourceGroupLayout
Implementation of RenderSystemResourceGroupLayout specifically for PerView cbuffer of RenderSystem.
- VisibilityGroup
Represents a group of visible RenderObject.
- ConstantBufferOffsetReference
Handle used to query what's the actual offset of a given variable in a constant buffer, through GetConstantBufferOffset(ConstantBufferOffsetReference).
- EffectDescriptorSetReference
Handle used to query what's the actual offset of a given variable in a constant buffer, through GetConstantBufferOffset(ConstantBufferOffsetReference).
- EffectObjectNode
Represents a RenderObject drawn with a specific RenderEffect, with attached properties.
- EffectParameterUpdater
Helper class to update several ResourceGroup from a ParameterCollection.
- EffectPermutationSlot
Defines an effect permutation slot for a RootRenderFeature.
- EffectValidator
How to use: BeginEffectValidation(); ValidateParameter(key1, value1); ValidateParameter(key2, value2); ... EndEffectValidation(); //returns true if same as last time, false if something changed You can use EffectValues to actually compile the effect.
- LogicalGroup
Defines a group of descriptors and cbuffer range that are updated together. It can be declared in shader using the syntax
cbuffer PerView.LogicalGroupName
(also works withrgroup
- LogicalGroupReference
Handle used to query logical group information.
- MeshBoneDefinition
Describes a bone cluster inside a Mesh.
- ModelNodeDefinition
Describes a single transformation node, usually in a Model node hierarchy.
- ObjectNode
Represents a RenderObject and allows to attach properties every frame.
- PipelinePluginContext
Context used by PipelinePluginManager.
- RenderDataHolder
Holds associated data used during rendering.
- RenderNode
Represents an single render operation of a RenderObject from a specific view with a specific effect, with attached properties.
- RenderViewFeatureStage
Describes a specific RenderView, RootRenderFeature and RenderStage combination.
- RenderViewStage
Stage-specific data for a RenderView.
- SortKey
Sort key used
- TransformTRS
Stores transformation in a TRS format (Position, Rotation and Scale).
- ViewObjectNode
Represents a RenderObject from a specific view.
- IEffectMixinProvider
Defines the interface to provide an effect mixin for a CameraRendererMode.
- IEntityComponentRenderProcessor
An EntityProcessor dedicated for rendering.
- IGraphicsRenderer
A graphics renderer.
- IGraphicsRendererCore
The core interface of a renderer.
- IImageEffectRenderer
Renderer interface for a end-user ImageEffect accessible from SceneEffectRenderer. See remarks.
- IModelInstance
Instance of a model with its parameters.
- CameraCullingMode
Culling mode of a RenderView.
- ClearRendererFlags
Flags used to clear a render frame.
- ModelNodeFlags
Flags describing state of a ModelNodeDefinition.
- RenderEffectState
Describes the state of a RenderEffect.
- RenderGroup
An entity group.
- RenderGroupMask
A mask for RenderGroup.
- ResolutionStretch
Enumerates the different ways to interpret a visual resolution value.
- StrideTessellationMethod
Describe the different tessellation methods used in Stride.