Namespace Stride.Core.Serialization
- AssemblySerializerFactoryAttribute
Used internally by assembly processor when generating serializer factories.
- AttachedReference
Stores the object reference information, so that it is easy to work on partially loaded or CPU version of assets with ContentManager.
- AttachedReferenceManager
Manage object reference information externally, not stored in the object but in a separate AttachedReference object.
- BinarySerializationReader
Implements SerializationStream as a binary reader.
- BinarySerializationWriter
Implements SerializationStream as a binary writer.
- DataSerializer
Describes how to serialize and deserialize an object without knowing its type. Used as a common base class for all data serializers.
- DataSerializerAttribute
Use this attribute on a class to specify its data serializer type.
- DataSerializerGlobalAttribute
Declares a serializer like DataSerializerAttribute or DataContractAttribute, but externally.
- DataSerializer<T>
Describes how to serialize and deserialize an object of a given type.
- GenericSerializerFactory
Simple serializer that will matches specific type using base type and create a data serializer with matched type.
- MemberSerializer.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer
Implements an equality comparer based on object reference instead of Equals(object).
- MemberSerializer<T>
Helper for serializing members of a class.
- NullSerializer<T>
A null serializer that can be used to add dummy serialization attributes.
- SerializationStream
Base class for implementation of SerializationStream.
- SerializerExtensions
Various useful extension methods on top of SerializationStream for serialization/deserialization of common types.
- SerializerFactory
Used as a fallback when GetSerializer(ref ObjectId) didn't find anything.
- SerializerSelector
Serializer context. It holds DataSerializer{T} objects and their factories.
- UrlReference
Represents a Url to an asset.
- UrlReferenceBase
Base class for IUrlReference implementations
- UrlReferenceContentManagerExtenstions
Extension methods of IContentManager to allow usage of UrlReference and UrlReference<T>.
- UrlReference<T>
Represents a Url to an asset of type
- VirtualFileStream
A multithreaded wrapper over a Stream, used by the VirtualFileSystem. It also allows restricted access to subparts of the Stream (useful for serialization and data streaming).
- AssemblySerializerEntry
An entry to a serialized object.
- IDataSerializerGenericInstantiation
Allows enumeration of required data serializers.
- IUrlReference
Represents a Url to an asset.
- ArchiveMode
Enumerates the different mode of serialization (either serialization or deserialization).
- DataSerializerGenericMode
Defines what generic parameters to pass to the serializer.
- SerializeClassFlags
Specifies flags used when serializing reference types.