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Class CollisionHelper


Contains static methods to help in determining intersections, containment, etc.

public static class CollisionHelper


BoxContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly BoundingBox)

Determines whether a BoundingBox contains a BoundingBox.

public static ContainmentType BoxContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingBox box1, ref readonly BoundingBox box2)


box1 BoundingBox

The first box to test.

box2 BoundingBox

The second box to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

BoxContainsPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether a BoundingBox contains a point.

public static ContainmentType BoxContainsPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox box, ref readonly Vector3 point)


box BoundingBox

The box to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

BoxContainsSphere(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines whether a BoundingBox contains a BoundingSphere.

public static ContainmentType BoxContainsSphere(ref readonly BoundingBox box, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere)


box BoundingBox

The box to test.

sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

BoxIntersectsBox(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly BoundingBox)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a BoundingBox and a BoundingBox.

public static bool BoxIntersectsBox(ref readonly BoundingBox box1, ref readonly BoundingBox box2)


box1 BoundingBox

The first box to test.

box2 BoundingBox

The second box to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

BoxIntersectsSphere(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a BoundingBox and a BoundingSphere.

public static bool BoxIntersectsSphere(ref readonly BoundingBox box, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere)


box BoundingBox

The box to test.

sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

ClosestPointBoxPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly Vector3, out Vector3)

Determines the closest point between a BoundingBox and a point.

public static void ClosestPointBoxPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox box, ref readonly Vector3 point, out Vector3 result)


box BoundingBox

The box to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.

result Vector3

When the method completes, contains the closest point between the two objects.

ClosestPointPlanePoint(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Vector3, out Vector3)

Determines the closest point between a Plane and a point.

public static void ClosestPointPlanePoint(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly Vector3 point, out Vector3 result)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.

result Vector3

When the method completes, contains the closest point between the two objects.

ClosestPointPointTriangle(ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, out Vector3)

Determines the closest point between a point and a triangle.

public static void ClosestPointPointTriangle(ref readonly Vector3 point, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3, out Vector3 result)


point Vector3

The point to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex to test.

result Vector3

When the method completes, contains the closest point between the two objects.

ClosestPointSpherePoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly Vector3, out Vector3)

Determines the closest point between a BoundingSphere and a point.

public static void ClosestPointSpherePoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly Vector3 point, out Vector3 result)


sphere BoundingSphere

The bounding sphere.

point Vector3

The point to test.

result Vector3

When the method completes, contains the closest point between the two objects; or, if the point is directly in the center of the sphere, contains Zero.

ClosestPointSphereSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly BoundingSphere, out Vector3)

Determines the closest point between a BoundingSphere and a BoundingSphere.

public static void ClosestPointSphereSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere1, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere2, out Vector3 result)


sphere1 BoundingSphere

The first sphere to test.

sphere2 BoundingSphere

The second sphere to test.

result Vector3

When the method completes, contains the closest point between the two objects; or, if the point is directly in the center of the sphere, contains Zero.


If the two spheres are overlapping, but not directly ontop of each other, the closest point is the 'closest' point of intersection. This can also be considered is the deepest point of intersection.

DistanceBoxBox(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly BoundingBox)

Determines the distance between a BoundingBox and a BoundingBox.

public static float DistanceBoxBox(ref readonly BoundingBox box1, ref readonly BoundingBox box2)


box1 BoundingBox

The first box to test.

box2 BoundingBox

The second box to test.



The distance between the two objects.

DistanceBoxPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines the distance between a BoundingBox and a point.

public static float DistanceBoxPoint(ref readonly BoundingBox box, ref readonly Vector3 point)


box BoundingBox

The box to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



The distance between the two objects.

DistancePlanePoint(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines the distance between a Plane and a point.

public static float DistancePlanePoint(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly Vector3 point)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



The distance between the two objects.

DistanceSpherePoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines the distance between a BoundingSphere and a point.

public static float DistanceSpherePoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly Vector3 point)


sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



The distance between the two objects.

DistanceSphereSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines the distance between a BoundingSphere and a BoundingSphere.

public static float DistanceSphereSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere1, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere2)


sphere1 BoundingSphere

The first sphere to test.

sphere2 BoundingSphere

The second sphere to test.



The distance between the two objects.

FrustumContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingFrustum, ref readonly BoundingBoxExt)

Determines whether a BoundingFrustum intersects or contains an AABB determined by its center and extent. Faster variant specific for frustum culling.

public static bool FrustumContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingFrustum frustum, ref readonly BoundingBoxExt boundingBoxExt)


frustum BoundingFrustum

The frustum.

boundingBoxExt BoundingBoxExt

The bounding box ext.



true if XXXX, false otherwise.

GetNearestHit<T>(IEnumerable<T>, ref readonly Ray, out T, out float, out Vector3)

Retrieves the nearest hit object starting from the position of the ray in the direction of the ray.

public static bool GetNearestHit<T>(IEnumerable<T> objects, ref readonly Ray ray, out T hitObject, out float distance, out Vector3 point) where T : IIntersectableWithRay


objects IEnumerable<T>

The objects that get tested for a collision with the ray.

ray Ray

The ray.

hitObject T

The hit object.

distance float

The distance from the start of the ray.

point Vector3

The position of the collision.



Whether there was a hit.

Type Parameters


PlaneIntersectsBox(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly BoundingBox)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a BoundingBox.

public static PlaneIntersectionType PlaneIntersectsBox(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly BoundingBox box)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

box BoundingBox

The box to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

PlaneIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Plane)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a Plane.

public static bool PlaneIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Plane plane1, ref readonly Plane plane2)


plane1 Plane

The first plane to test.

plane2 Plane

The second plane to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

PlaneIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Plane, out Ray)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a Plane.

public static bool PlaneIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Plane plane1, ref readonly Plane plane2, out Ray line)


plane1 Plane

The first plane to test.

plane2 Plane

The second plane to test.

line Ray

When the method completes, contains the line of intersection as a Ray, or a zero ray if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.


Although a ray is set to have an origin, the ray returned by this method is really a line in three dimensions which has no real origin. The ray is considered valid when both the positive direction is used and when the negative direction is used.

PlaneIntersectsPoint(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a point.

public static PlaneIntersectionType PlaneIntersectsPoint(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly Vector3 point)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

PlaneIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a BoundingSphere.

public static PlaneIntersectionType PlaneIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

PlaneIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Plane, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Plane and a triangle.

public static PlaneIntersectionType PlaneIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Plane plane, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3)


plane Plane

The plane to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex of the triagnle to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex of the triangle to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsBox(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly BoundingBox, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a BoundingBox.

public static bool RayIntersectsBox(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly BoundingBox box, out Vector3 point)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

box BoundingBox

The box to test.

point Vector3

When the method completes, contains the point of intersection, or Zero if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsBox(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly BoundingBox, out float)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a BoundingBox.

public static bool RayIntersectsBox(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly BoundingBox box, out float distance)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

box BoundingBox

The box to test.

distance float

When the method completes, contains the distance of the intersection, or 0 if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Plane, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a Plane.

public static bool RayIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Plane plane, out Vector3 point)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

plane Plane

The plane to test

point Vector3

When the method completes, contains the point of intersection, or Zero if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Plane, out float)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a Plane.

public static bool RayIntersectsPlane(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Plane plane, out float distance)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

plane Plane

The plane to test.

distance float

When the method completes, contains the distance of the intersection, or 0 if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersect.

RayIntersectsPoint(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a point.

public static bool RayIntersectsPoint(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Vector3 point)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



Whether the two objects intersect.

RayIntersectsRay(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Ray, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a Ray.

public static bool RayIntersectsRay(ref readonly Ray ray1, ref readonly Ray ray2, out Vector3 point)


ray1 Ray

The first ray to test.

ray2 Ray

The second ray to test.

point Vector3

When the method completes, contains the point of intersection, or Zero if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersect.


This method performs a ray vs ray intersection test based on the following formula from Goldman.

s = det([o_2 - o_1, d_2, d_1 x d_2]) / ||d_1 x d_2||^2
t = det([o_2 - o_1, d_1, d_1 x d_2]) / ||d_1 x d_2||^2

Where o_1 is the position of the first ray, o_2 is the position of the second ray, d_1 is the normalized direction of the first ray, d_2 is the normalized direction of the second ray, det denotes the determinant of a matrix, x denotes the cross product, [ ] denotes a matrix, and || || denotes the length or magnitude of a vector.

RayIntersectsRectangle(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Matrix, ref readonly Vector3, int, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a rectangle (2D).

public static bool RayIntersectsRectangle(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Matrix rectangleWorldMatrix, ref readonly Vector3 rectangleSize, int normalAxis, out Vector3 intersectionPoint)


ray Ray

The ray to test

rectangleWorldMatrix Matrix

The world matrix applied on the rectangle

rectangleSize Vector3

The size of the rectangle in 3D

normalAxis int

The index of axis defining the normal of the rectangle in the world. This value should be 0, 1 or 2

intersectionPoint Vector3

The position of the intersection point in the world



true if the ray and rectangle intersects.

RayIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly BoundingSphere, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a BoundingSphere.

public static bool RayIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, out Vector3 point)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

point Vector3

When the method completes, contains the point of intersection, or Zero if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly BoundingSphere, out float)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a BoundingSphere.

public static bool RayIntersectsSphere(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, out float distance)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

distance float

When the method completes, contains the distance of the intersection, or 0 if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, out Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a triangle.

public static bool RayIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3, out Vector3 point)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex of the triangle to test.

point Vector3

When the method completes, contains the point of intersection, or Zero if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.

RayIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Ray, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, out float)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a Ray and a triangle.

public static bool RayIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly Ray ray, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3, out float distance)


ray Ray

The ray to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex of the triagnle to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex of the triangle to test.

distance float

When the method completes, contains the distance of the intersection, or 0 if there was no intersection.



Whether the two objects intersected.


This method tests if the ray intersects either the front or back of the triangle. If the ray is parallel to the triangle's plane, no intersection is assumed to have happened. If the intersection of the ray and the triangle is behind the origin of the ray, no intersection is assumed to have happened. In both cases of assumptions, this method returns false.

SphereContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly BoundingBox)

Determines whether a BoundingSphere contains a BoundingBox.

public static ContainmentType SphereContainsBox(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly BoundingBox box)


sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

box BoundingBox

The box to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

SphereContainsPoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether a BoundingSphere contains a point.

public static ContainmentType SphereContainsPoint(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly Vector3 point)


sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

point Vector3

The point to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

SphereContainsSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines whether a BoundingSphere contains a BoundingSphere.

public static ContainmentType SphereContainsSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere1, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere2)


sphere1 BoundingSphere

The first sphere to test.

sphere2 BoundingSphere

The second sphere to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

SphereContainsTriangle(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether a BoundingSphere contains a triangle.

public static ContainmentType SphereContainsTriangle(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3)


sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex of the triagnle to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex of the triangle to test.



The type of containment the two objects have.

SphereIntersectsSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly BoundingSphere)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a BoundingSphere and a BoundingSphere.

public static bool SphereIntersectsSphere(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere1, ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere2)


sphere1 BoundingSphere

First sphere to test.

sphere2 BoundingSphere

Second sphere to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.

SphereIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly BoundingSphere, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3, ref readonly Vector3)

Determines whether there is an intersection between a BoundingSphere and a triangle.

public static bool SphereIntersectsTriangle(ref readonly BoundingSphere sphere, ref readonly Vector3 vertex1, ref readonly Vector3 vertex2, ref readonly Vector3 vertex3)


sphere BoundingSphere

The sphere to test.

vertex1 Vector3

The first vertex of the triangle to test.

vertex2 Vector3

The second vertex of the triagnle to test.

vertex3 Vector3

The third vertex of the triangle to test.



Whether the two objects intersected.